TEAM POWERS 34M Competition tyre set (4)


Team Powers 34M Competition tyre set (4)

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Availability: 25 in stock SKU: tpr-tpg3404m Category: Tags: , ,


Team Powers 34M Competition tyre set (4)


– Include 4pcs per set
– Pre-Glue and ready to run
– Medium green insert and suit for an asphalt track
– Suitable for low temperature (30’C~40’C)(tested down to 10°C track temps with very good results)
– Longer lifetime and tested to not tear
New compound leads to less prep work and less additive to apply. The less the better and the tyres remain super sticky and consistent, run after run.

1:10 Touring Car Rubber Tire Set ( Pre-Glued, 34M-V2H, 1set 4pcs)

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg



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